That Man is You! is an interactive, multimedia Men's program divided into two 13 week "semesters" that follow the typical academic year. The Fall semester is dedicated to developing a vision of man fully alive while the Spring semester is dedicated to becoming "that man." The Spring semester includes an organized Lenten journey that participants make together.
The weekly meetings are designed to provide men with the opportunity to receive and apply relevant information to issues facing men today.
That Man is You! seeks to form men who are fully alive by harmonizing what has typically been referred to as the Three Wisdoms of the Catholic Church: knowledge (secular knowledge including medical and social science); understanding (theology including Scripture, the Magisterium and Tradition); and wisdom (contemplative or mystical knowledge found primarily in the writings of the saints).
Recognizing that modern men live in and are comfortable with a culture dominated by the findings of secular science, the program makes extensive use of medical and social science. The findings of medical science have proven invaluable in helping men understand the mystery of the human person, created male and female, while the findings of social science have proven indispensable in helping men understand the fundamental importance of marriage and the family to larger society.
That Man is You meets on Monday evenings throughtout the year. See Pat McKeown or call the parish office to learn how to get involved (231) 755-1953.
Men’s Ministry meets every
Saturday morning throughout the year at 9:00 a.m. in the McCabe Center Conference Room 3. You are invited to listen and learn as we study different topics. Handouts available ~ no homework assigned and no need to register. Bring a friend and join us any Saturday morning you are available for fellowship & refrehsments.
Questions? See Mark Schrier or Craig Johnson or the call the parish office.