Adult faith formation is more than programs; it is ongoing development of living, explicit and fruitful Christian faith in adulthood. If you know of anyone that might be interested to “come and see” what Jesus Christ has more for you.
OCIA – How to choose the Right Way?
Who is to say what is the right or wrong way to go through the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults? It is a personal journey that begins with a choice, and it ends with a choice. Plus, there are a number of smaller choices in between.
What is the OCIA?
OCIA is the communal process of spiritual and educational formation through which adults explore the Catholic Faith and become fully initiated members of the Roman Catholic Church.
What is the "goal" of OCIA?
The process is all about conversion, communion and discipleship. It is about growth and change taking place in our hearts and minds so that we can more fully live in relationship with God and each other. It is about living our faith, and exploring what belief in God means for our lives. It is not a class or a bunch of hoops that one must jump through to join the Catholic Church. Rather OCIA assists you in becoming a living, breathing, active disciple of Christ, and a participant in the life of God.
What is my next step?
To learn more about the inquiry session call the parish office, contact Liorah Marianos ([email protected]) or talk to the pastor/deacon. We would love to hear from you!